I wanted learn how to use vagrant with virtualbox, when I got the error message 'Raw-mode is unavailable courtesy of Hyper-V'. To fix this issue, I think I made all of the suggested changes above (thank you guys), and some more.
Wifislax oracle vm virtualbox
Go to the Network section and select an Adapter. In this case I selected Adapter 1 although it is recommended to select a second Adapter, this way, you can use the wireless connection to your Host and still be able to connect to your internal Virtualized network (Connect to other virtualbox guests internally). For the example mentioned here I connected directly using the first adapter.
Assuming your wifi connection works on the host system, you can simply in virtualbox manager on the host go to network configuration of your guest. On adaptor 1 tab, select bridge mode and on Name field, you select the wifi connection on your host. The connection will appear as wired connection eth0 on your guest and will work as if it were a wired connection. The wifi part will be managed by the host OS.
So, to solve this, you must configure your Virtual Machine tu use USB 2.0. If you are using Oracle VirtualBox, for example, you will first need to install "oracle vm virtualbox extension pack" so you are able to use USB 2.0 and 3.0.
I'm running Kali Linux 64bit 1.07 as a guest os through virtualbox 4.3.12 r93733. I've also installed the VirtualBox 4.3.12 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack. I have bridged my hosts network connection (Intel(R) Wireless-N 7260) with Kali and I have set up the Alfa 036nha as a usb device for Kali through virtualbox.
Edit:I found this =K1ETBeRQBs4Which helped me getting the Alfa card to work in Kali. The trick was to add a new custom USB device in virtualbox where you just take the vendor ID and product ID from the alfa device and leave the other boxes blank.
In this article we will focus on wifislax, focused on wireless network auditing. We will try to show you what you need and what you must do to be able to hack a Wi-Fi network with it, of course, with the aim of learning and knowing what you should do to reinforce the security of your home wireless. Any misuse you make of this guide is solely and exclusively your responsibility.
First of all you need a wifi adapter with capacity for monitor mode and packet injection. Before getting an ISO image of the distribution, make sure that if you have a wireless network card - either internal or external - it can be used in monitor mode and can be used to perform packet injection. Later we will get to what these things are, but for now you are interested to know which cards can be used with wifislax and which not. You have a complete list of them in the Wireless Security forum.
The following is to download an ISO image of the latest version of wifislax. Once you have it, you have several options: decompress the ISO into a LiveUSB using programs like UNetbootin to use it on your PC, install it on your PC or install it on a virtual machine.
To have wifislax configured in a virtual machine we first download VirtualBox and install it in our operating system. When we have done it, we open it and click on New. A dialog box will appear, in which we will have to name the virtual machine and specify the type of operating system. In our case we will call it wifislax. As for the type we select Linux and as other Linux version (64-bit).
We indicate where we have saved it and we can start the system in live mode. This mode allows us to test the operating system without installing it, but it has a problem that we are interested in getting around in order to use wifislax correctly: a LiveUSB, LiveCD or LiveDVD does not have a persistent file system, so any changes we make do not will save.
To install wifislax we have to go to Menu> System> Installation of wifislax> wifislax Installer GUI. From here the process is fully automatic and the installer will do everything for us. First you will install the operating system and then the boot loader GRUB2. When you have finished installing everything, if we restart the virtual machine we will already have a perfectly operational wifislax.
Before getting into the subject of network auditing in wifislax, it should be clarified that there are two types of tools: manual and automatic. Some run in text mode, while others have a graphical interface itself. Next we will discuss how they work and how these tools are used.Aircrack-ng, the best tool to audit Wi-Fi networks
The really thorny issue is the generation of a dictionary for WPA encryption. In wifislax there are scripts that will generate one for you automatically, but they can take a long, long time. At the time of writing this guide, the script I used took more than a year to give me a complete dictionary to use. On the other hand, you can try to get one already created on the Internet that makes things easier for you.
wifislax is equipped with a multitude of automatic audit scripts that will solve in a few steps the entire process just discussed. Even Aircrack-ng has its own automatic process that eliminates the need to use all these commands, although I personally find that executing the commands manually is much more effective - we have already talked about how powerful the Linux terminal is. 2ff7e9595c